Ventures Park Programs & Partnerships

Are you brimming with innovative ideas seeking to take flight? Look no further! We are passionate about empowering the next generation of groundbreaking startups and visionary changemakers. Explore our diverse range of programs designed to fuel your entrepreneurial journey with the resources, guidance, and connections you need to thrive.


Our Mission

Achieve economic prosperity by catalyzing entrepreneurship and innovation to build sustainable solutions that create impact at scale.

Our Vision

Build economic prosperity in Africa.

Labs by VP

Our Labs by VP Program empowers startups and innovators to pioneer new markets, bridge gaps in value chains, and drive economic change. With accelerators, incubators, hackathons, and exclusive events, we foster market-creating innovations.

Ninja Accelerator Program
Ninja Accelerator Program

The NINJA accelerator program Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 focused on facilitating partnerships to enable pre-seed, seed or series A startups in Nigeria, Kenya, and Uganda to scale their businesses across the Agritech, Healthtech, and Cleantech sectors.

develoPPP Ventures Programme Funding
develoPPP Ventures Programme Funding

The develoPPP Ventures programme aims to provide growth funding and technical support to start-ups that have achieved proof of concept and revenue generation. The program aims to scale innovative solutions. Through a unique matching-funds model, selected start-ups can receive grants of up to €100,000 from BMZ.


Agrilab was a 4-month incubation program focused on driving growth and leveraging technology in Nigeria’s agricultural sector by equipping agritech entrepreneurs with the tools to build successful agrictech startups addressing one or more value chain gaps. The five participating startups were awarded $5,000 equity-free grant funding sponsored by the Embassy of Ireland.

Policy, Enterprise and Advocacy Support (PEAS)

Our policy work focuses on providing policy recommendations that support the growth and development of entrepreneurship and innovation. The principal objectives of our policy advocacy initiatives are to increase startup participation in the policy-making process, to foster collaboration between government and startups, and to highlight policy challenges and propose policy recommendations.

Nigeria Startup Bill
Nigeria Startup Bill

The Nigeria Startup Bill, now an ACT, was a joint initiative by Nigeria’s tech ecosystem and the Presidency to harness the potential of our digital economy through co-created regulations. The bill ensures that Nigeria's laws and regulations are friendly, clear, planned and work to create an enabling environment for tech startups.

Policy Dialogue Series (PDS)
Policy Dialogue Series (PDS)

The Policy Dialogue Series, powered by the UK-Nigeria Tech Hub, invited key stakeholders to discuss policies that could ease the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on startups. Entrepreneurs discussed intervention ideas, proposed policies to support businesses and learnt how to access funding, scale and expand their businesses during the period.

Cryptocurrency Ban
Cryptocurrency Ban

Key leaders in the fintech and cryptocurrency ecosystem in Nigeria came together to engage policymakers at the Central Bank of Nigeria after the ban on cryptocurrency exchanges by Nigerian financial institutions. A memo was submitted and a document was published as a policy advocacy tool, providing recommendations to lift the ban and regulate instead.

Digital Training Program(DTP)

Our DTP is designed to empower and engage digitally skilled youth to bolster Nigeria's digital economy, stimulate economic growth, and alleviate unemployment.

Digital Explorers
Digital Explorers

Digital Explorers is a career advancement program designed to harness the potential of Nigeria’s digital talents and create further growth opportunities. The program also features a capacity-building component aimed at facilitating institutional learning and knowledge exchange between Nigerian and Lithuanian institutions.

Venture Support Programs

Ventures Park is dedicated to fostering innovation and supporting startup growth through our diverse support programs. We offer Hackathons, Incubation, and Accelerators; where startups receive guidance, resources, and workspace to develop their ideas. Through our Accelerator program, startups receive intensive support and mentorship to thrive in competitive markets. Additionally, we host Hackathons, encouraging collaboration and innovation to solve real-world challenges. Our Business Advisory support provides strategic guidance for navigating entrepreneurship, while mentorship connects startups with experienced mentors. Lastly, our capacity-building trainings equip entrepreneurs with essential skills for success in today's dynamic business environment.


selected startup teams across the program lifecycle

Finalists selected, including Female co-founders


Over $100,000 equity-free grants


Over 10,000 applications received

Our Team

Jennifer Oliko

Programs Admin

Amaka Ekeng

Communications and PR Associate


Our Partners


Our Portfolio Companies

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